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Saturday, December 17, 2011

How to revenge forwarded chain SMS or email

Last time, I hate to receive chain sms or email.

It's something like this
1. Bla bla bla if you're not going to forward this message to 10 people, your family/your lover/you 're going to die in 3 hours.
2. Bla bla bla if you not going to forward this message to 20 people, something bad will happen to you / ghost will haunt you tonight.

OMFG! So scary!

I was so scared when I received this kind of message.

I scared that something bad might happen to me or someone I loved, or I scared that ghost will come kill me during the time I sleep, for no reason.

I must do something to protect myself.

I don't want to die, thus, I must forward this message to pass the curse to someone else.

What I did is...

I changed the number like "10 people" to "100 people".

And send back to the person who forward the message to me.

The message became -  "If you're not going to forward this message to 100 people, your family/your lover/you 're going to die in 30 seconds."


Now, let's see who will die first.


Raping the replay button for this song.

Mat Kearney - Sooner Or Later.

Heard this song from this amazing Google video.

Zeitgeist 2011: Year In Review

Enjoy your weekend.
