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Friday, January 20, 2012

Level 19 Final

OMG their final round dance is so cool!

Level 19 - Change + I'm The Best

I remembered I saw Keryn before dance for the same song in one of her China Vlog.

I surprise that they not win themselves into top 3.

Someone got something to say about this.


Anywhere, I'm going back to Kuching tomorrow.

Last but not least, I want to dedicate my all time favourite CNY song for my readers.

Happy holiday and Happy Chinese New Year!


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Princess Hug

This is one of the funniest joke I have ever read!

Guys. Must. Read.

I will try to translate this article to English, in the meanwhile, please bear with my poor English.

Original Chinese Article from Re: [認真] 畜生不如


唉 我也來說一下我的往事好了
 Aihhh, I'm going to tell my real life story.

故事很短 沒有啥西施 我也不擅長說故事
It's a short story, not a big deal, I'm not a good storyteller though.

If you are a hater, please leave now.

事情發生在ICQ的那個年代 (現在想起來好懷念ICQ喔 Q_Q)
Story happened long long time ago - in ICQ era (I miss ICQ Q_Q)

ICQ有一個功能就可以去找地區/姓別/年齡 去加好友
(現在好像只剩下 skype有這功能 不過都被腰斬很多掉了)
ICQ had a feature which is you can search friends by using details such as Area/Sex/Age
(Now all those functions had been removed in messenger except for Skype)

因為那些功能 那時候認識不少國高中正妹(我剛升高一)
Because of that cool features, I met a lot of secondary school MMs

One day, I used the reason of chatting and went to a Form3 girl's house.

聊著聊著就聊到了A片去了 (好像每個當畜生的起手式都是聊去A片的話題吼)
After some chit chat, our topic became hot and sexy porn stuff (I think most of the bastards used porn topic as ice breaking tool)

後來又聊著聊著 全身都脫光光了 (麻糬D奶)
We continue to chit chat and in the end we are both naked (She's a D cup!)

那時候心想 今天終於可以破處了 緊張得要死
At that time, I thought that this is the day! I'm going to lose my virginity. I'm so fricking nervous.

後來因為客廳地板真的冷冰冰的 我就跟他說去他房間繼續 (當時只進展到C)
Because of the living room's floor was so cold, I told her that let's go into the room to proceed our action.

Being a gentleman, I lifted her up and gave her a princess hug.


不抱還好 一抱起才才發現這女的........不下呂布......
Once I hugged her, I realized I did something that I truly regret.

She's mother f***ing super HEAVY!

可是我又愛面子 硬是要抱她進房間
But I have to take care of my dignity, I die die also want to carry her into her room.

I think many of you can imagined the consequence.

By that time, I focused all of my energy on my hands to carry her, so that I will not drop her down.

But I didn't realize we can't pass the door with our princess hug style.

結果 橫著竹竿進門的故事大家都聽過吧
I believe that you can imagine a scene that I was holding a bamboo stick to enter a door.


嗯 沒錯 我一不小心 就狠狠的把她的頭跟腳往她家的牆壁撞下去
Yes, correct, I accidentally, brutally, furiously, viciously fricking knocked her head and legs on the door frame.

然後不撞還好 一撞下去我的腿就軟了
Well, nothing worst can happen, right? You're wrong. This is not the ending. The seconds right after the vicious bump, my legs suddenly lost its energy.

Then, she was rolling, you hatin', and she fell down.

我為了接住她 就採跪姿的方式去抱她
To prevent her from felling directly to ground, I.MUST.CATCH.HER.
Thus, I kneel down and tried to catch her again.

In the end......

(Ultimate waist breaker!)


當天 我馬上被趕出去
After that, I was immediately evicted out from her house.

I'm not only a bastard who didn't lose my virginity

還畜生不如 Q_Q
I'm a 100% failure for being a bastard


No wonder when I gave JenJen a princess hug, she shouted like there's no tomorrow.



I like jokes. I'm happy. I like to make my readers happy too.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wiwi the Hammie

I adopted Wiwi from pet store after few months Kiwi passed away.

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This hammie may look cute but he's actually one of the SOB hamsters who likes to bite.

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I used to be skinny, but I eat a lot to be chubby.

Well, he's cute, so he got the rights to bite. It's like a superb pretty girl who has the right for being a bitch.

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I'm cute, so what?

Wiwi never stays still except for food. See how he paused few seconds when I massaged him. Cute, right?

After few months of taking care of him, he stopped bite me. He let me played with him.

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I wanna go out i wanna go out!

But he bite anyone else who attempt to grab him. So I figure that no one may want to play with him after I transferred to KK. Since I can't bring him over here, I left him with my family in Kuching.

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Poor wiwi.

Before that, I cleaned his cage twice a week. He liked to pee on his bathing sand and that made me very convenient to clean up his pee pee (the most smelliest of his waste is pee).

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Wiwi's home.

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Le me pee and bath in here.

When the weather was so hot, I made him an aircond system.

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Freeze water bottle behind his cage.

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Most of the day time, his activity was sleeping.

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Furry bally hammie in tiger home.

Hamsters likes to squeeze themselves in narrow space. It gives them secure feel.

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Sometimes, sleep in the tiger home is too mainstream for him, he sleep in his slide.

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And slowly slided down to the bottom, he went up to the top of the slide and lay down, slowly slided down again, and climbed up again.

No joking. He did this. I think he's bored.

Well, I am going back home in this week but he didn't make it for me, he passed away few days ago.

It's sad. I want to play with him, I think he must be missing me so much.

Anyhow, Wiwi who was cute and chubby, you rock! RIP.


Monday, January 16, 2012

Level 19

Keryn's group was successfully proceed to final round of K-pop competition.

Initially I thought FINAL round shall have maximum of only 3 teams to compete, but 8 out of 11 went into final, that's quite a lot of groups in a final round, LOL.

Check out their dance video below.

Question: Who choose the thumbnail for this video? It's a highlight of this dance!

Bev has really small face.

From Keryn and Bev's expression, I don't know what they were trying to sell. I can't differentiate dulan, angry, exhausted or sexy from their expression.

However, I smell confidence from that guy's expression. Girls love that.

Overall, I like this sexy dance :3

And that guy, keep your hand out of Keryn's butt!


Just kidding, he's a great dancer.I believe Keryn sacrifice a bit to win this competition. Thumbs up.

For their final round, they said they haven't decide which dance routine to practice.

No worry my friends. I have a suggestion.

I think the left girl got UHHMMM!

动感十足! Wa sibei suka.

Perform that dance in your final and I assure Level 19 will gain uber fame in Kuching.

I also guaran-damn-tee Korea judges will love this.

P/S: Btw, I do think that "Flamo" name is cooler than "Level 19".


Thursday, January 12, 2012

You Papa Massager

I have a question.

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Which part of our body suppose to be massage by this massager?

Front or back?

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If the answer is front, why we need to massage our chest / breast?

And why Olivia Ong need to massage her breast?


Sunday, January 08, 2012


In a taiwan forum, someone asked for recommendation of dentist and a dude introduced him this dentist.

Out of the blue, my teeth suddenly hurt so badly, i feel like visit a dentist too.

Saturday, January 07, 2012

RHB - Best bank ever

Somewhere in KK, I saw a special RHB ATM machine.


I was like...


Thus , I walked nearer and had a closer look.


And I raised my head again and looked at the signboard - RHB Self Banking.


Without any hesitation, I went in and deposited all of my cash to that RHB ATM.

P/S: RHB bank is one of my blacklist bank because of their customer service.


Thursday, January 05, 2012

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Macross Frontier Anime

Just finish watch "Macross Frontier / 超时空要塞 - Frontier", an 2007 anime. Even though it's not new but I love this anime very very much.
