From my last last week's nud3topia MM, I had told that I would like to explain the benefit of reading my 【Nud3topia MM】series.
【Nud3topia MM】Cosplay Episode 2Originally, I created a series of 【Nud3topia MM】to increase my readers especially male one. It did successfully increase my blog traffic greatly.
Cuci Mata Thursday IIIRecently, I found out my 【Nud3topia MM】posts can help man to extend their life too.
Cuci Mata Thursday IIEngland's Medicine Journal had proven that men staring at woman's breasts prolong their lives by several years. Allow me to show you the report. So pay attention!
The New England Journal of Medicine and Weekly World News recently said that men staring at woman's breasts prolong their lives by several years.
“只用10分钟的凝视,看着胸部丰满挺拔的女士,比如Baywatch的女演员Pamela Lee,相当于30分钟的有氧运动”,文章的作者老年病学家Daren Weatherby博士说道。
"Just 10 minutes of staring at the pretty hourglass shape woman such as Baywatch actress Pamela Lee is equivalent to a 30-minute aerobics work-out," said Dr. Karen Weatherby, a gerontologist.
过去的五年中,这个由Daren Weatherby博士领导的小组的研究员在三个位于德国法兰克福的医院里观察了200个男性患者,其中的一半的患者被要求每天看女人的胸部,而另一半的患者则不允许观看。五年之后,被要求观看女性胸部的那一半的患者都降低了血压,减缓了休息时脉搏跳动,以及降低了冠心病发作的几率。
The team led by Weatherby was made up of researchers at three hospitals in Frankfurt, Germany monitored the health of 200 male subjects for 5 years. Half of the subjects were asked to look at busty females everyday, while the others were asked not to. For five years, the boob lovers presented a lower blood pressure, slower resting pulse rates and decreased risk of coronary artery disease.
"Sexual excitement gets the heart pumping and improves blood circulation. So, gazing at woman's breasts makes men healthier. Our study indicates that engaging this activity few minutes everyday will lower the risk of stroke and heart attack." said Weatherby, who recommended that men aged over 40 should spend at least 10 minutes daily staring breasts sized "D-cup" or larger.
See? Isn't that SUPERB? Read my
Nud3topia MM series will make u live longer!
Patients who 40 years old and above are strongly advised to view pictures like this for 10 minutes daily.If you continuously read my MM series from few months ago until now, your life already extend donno how many hundred years.
See this for 5 seconds and your hp will regenerate another 5 seconds. Hurray!I'm so touching after I realized I had help so many readers. I feel like I am an angel who sacrifice myself to help people.
Angel...In Pendidikan Moral subject, teacher taught us some moral value:
1. Baik hati (Good Heart)
2. Murah hati (Cheap Heart)
3. Saling faham memahami (Understanding)
4. Kasih Sayang (Give Sayang)
5. Sayang kepada nyawa (Sayang to life)
6. Pemikiran yang sihat dan membina (Healthy thinking)
And I had fulfilled all of those.
Starting from here, I will post some random happy valley (according to Happy) MM.
Ok now u know what is happy valley instead of deep valley.
You happy or not after see happy valley?
You happy I happy.
Another happy valley.
Happy is very happy now.
Mountain with...
MM showed her deep valley.
Bath towel! Go away! Ahhhh~~~
Pshhhhhhhhh~~~ (sounds of nose bleed bursting out)
Sofy sofy~

I bet you look like this monkey now.
On behalf of my male readers, I would like to thanks all the MM who willing to share their happy valley. Because of your contribution, we live longer and longer. A very deep deep: THANK YOU!
All of these proven that visit my blog will not harm you but give you more benefits. Form it as a good
And of course, to support me, help me click the
ADVERTISEMENT below the Shoutbox :) I help you, you help me ma~ Another deep deep: THANK YOU!
P/S: Even we like to see happy valley, that DOES NOT means we like to share our girlfriend's or wife's happy valley. They are private property. We are selfish one, OK?