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Tuesday, March 04, 2014

The Great Passage

Just finish watching this movie - The Great Passage.

Personal rating: 7/10

The story plot is slow... and boring for most of the people, but I manage to finish it.

It's a movie similar to Departures, a story telling a job that nobody willing to work for.

This movie is about creating a dictionary, not a fancy thing, didn't know editing a dictionary can take so much trouble and time to complete them.

I thought dictionary is created by some magical fairy sprinkle some fairy dust on a blank book. Now I know how it is truly done.

Furthermore, I like how Japanese promote their spirit and determination in their own movie.

And their Japanese wife attitude in the movie, simply love it~

If you think you can handle this movie, feel free to download it HERE, with Chinese subtitle only.

Oh, one last fun trick to share with you from the movie.

Word: Right
Definition: Number 10, 0 is your RIGHT.

Useful for people who don't know how to differentiate left and right :)
