Regarding to the current issue that government trying to ban others to use the name of their god in other religion, I need to voice out my opinion.
I am curious seeing they are trying to splash their blood to defend or monopoly the name of their god and forbid others to use in their bible.
I mean, for what? I think it's an honour for your god to exist in others religion bible isn't it? Like your god had been everywhere and thus his existence appear in multiple bible.
Now, you're denying others religion's god, that's mean you are denying the same god which appear to be your god too?
Why the big trouble?
It's not that other religion print the god's name on their panty and wear it during praying? They did no harm either. It's in bible, they just read.
I had been a Taoist by following my family's tradition. I pray in Tua Pek Kong temple once in a while since I was young. So, Tua Pek Kong basically is my only god even I'm a free thinker.
So, I would like to welcome other religions to use Tua Pek Kong as your god.
No worries, if your god is banned, we are welcome to let you use Tua Pek Kong.
Don't take this as an insult to Tua Pek Kong.
I respect Tua Pek Kong very much because i was blessed by him so many times, FOR REAL but that will be my other stories.
Anywhere if you don't like Tua Pek Kong, we have other selections like , Datuk Kong, Guan Kong, Guan Yin Niang Niang and Amitabah.
Again, I have no intention to insult Taoism but to show that Taoism have the generosity of sharing compare to others.
Thank you.
Keryn's Vlogs: 2022 in Videos
2 years ago
Your comments defines you as a free thinker Chinese religioniist . This is not at all unusual or unique as there are many like you who are only interested in praying to Tua Pek gong for personal reasons . For example , I met a Teochew Singapore stock borker who I prastice qigong with and he is only interested in praying to Tua Pek gong for his business fortune . If you try to talk about some other god , they will block it out and won't listen. Same for the older generation of Singaporean Teochews, Hokkiens andolder generation of chinese relgionist alike and will pray only to Tua pek gong for thier own fortune and welfare and security . For me it is all part of my Singaporean overseas chinese shipping history and ancestral heritage . I also pray to Jesus christ foer personal salvation and to get help- to solve personal problems and into Charasmatic signs and wonders miracles as well .Whenever i make my prayer to both Tua pek gong and Jesus christ they always get answered positively . I don't follow and don't like to like to follow any religious discipleship because to be a true follower of any of the world religions, you must become a disciple or true follower committed to that religion and religioous organisation and waht people want you to do as normal for them . It is very troublesome and
bah bai . So if you agree we can be friends .
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