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Thursday, August 09, 2012

RM50 note

One day, I went out to have a drink with new friends in KK.

Before going out, I checked my wallet and see how much money I still had in there.

Oh! I still have 2 pieces of RM50.

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So I went out and chit chat talk cock with group of friends.

At the end of the conversation, I want to show how generous of myself by treating my new friends for the drinks.

I was sure that RM50 is enough for the bill.

I pulled out one RM50 note and shouted "OH MOTHERFATHER!" in my heart!


It's only a fricking new RM1 note!

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I only have less than RM10 in my wallet? I can't even pay my own drink!

See two of the new and old RM1 note? The colour not even close enough.

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So, I put back my RM1 note into my wallet in super lightning speed, hoping that nobody saw what I just did and continue smile like an idiot.


Well at last someone who was also very generous, decided to pay the bill.

Moral of the story: It's a trap.



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