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Monday, May 18, 2009

Kristy, Are You Doing Okay?

Kristy, Are You Doing Okay? by the Offspring.

Song Meaning

The song was inspired by real-life events that took place in Dexter Holland's childhood. The song involves a woman who was raped and sexually abused at a young age ("I didn’t know/cause we were so young.")

The song describes the loss of innocence created ("oh, waves of time/seem to rain of innocence left behind") and the psychological repression of the event ("though the marks on your dress/have been neatly repressed/I knew that something was wrong.")

Video Meaning

The video depicts a teenage girl who writes continuously in her diary about sexual abuse. A boy in the class notices her, and suspects that something is wrong. However, he does nothing, and she is left alone. The school scenes are separated by Holland playing an acoustic guitar in an abandoned room with pages of the diary taped onto the walls.