Another translation by momojojo newbie translator.
For the sake of my reader who don't know how to read mandarin, I translate another article for him. Please bear with my English. Enjoy.
Nickname: Genius has their limit but not stupidity.
Birthday: 1984/04/01
Location: Taiwan
Love Story: My Japanese Girlfriend
I met her in a shopping mall.
I think fate is a wonderful thing.
On that day, I didn't have a plan, I just want to go to shopping mall to enjoy their air-cond.
Out of the blue, I saw her.
She wasn't that tall, just around 150 but I think I shouldn't judge her because I'm only 170.
She stood right there and staring around, looking left and right,
it's like she's looking for something else (PS: I didn't know she's a Japanese yet)
I took a deep breath, brace myself and went to talk with her
Not sure if I'm too pushy or because of the barrier of language, she scared by me,
continuously saying "Huh~~~~" and looking left and right more rapidly
Luckily one of the shopkeeper saw our situation and came to offer me his help
With his help, I was able to recognize her even more
I really appreciate the shopkeeper's help, without his assist at the right time,
I will never come this close with her
Of course we had more romantic stories and the story how I invited her back to home,
but due to our privacy, I decide not to expose too much information
Recently after going home from work, the happiness is beyond everything in my life after I see her waiting for me inside my room.
I figure may be it's Japanese's culture, she's a quiet person and always do her own thing silently beside me,
Sometimes when she's beside me and I accidentally fall to sleep, she's not angry at all and I believe that's what I love her the most.
Remember last time I stayed alone in this house, the weather was extremely hot especially on summer,
My body was covered with sweat, the room was hot and stuffy but since the day she was here,
She brought the breeze air into my life and blow out every sadness from my life
Many of my friend asked me why don't I look for Taiwanese instead of Japanese.
For me, it's very hard to describe.
Sometimes, when you see her and you know she is the one
I have been dating with her for almost 2 years, we already spent around 500 days together, Taiwanese or Japanese doesn't really matter to me anymore.
I really appreciate the days she accompany me so loyally, along the period she stay with me, the electricity bill has increased, I have to turn off aircond just to save my bill,
I'm sure she's very hot, but she never left me and I'm touched...
Thank you, my SHARP PJ-B3CLL electric fan
I wish to tell everyone that...
I love the way you shake your head left and right, and bring the cooling wind into my life.
一、PTT ID:remex724
那天 我本來也沒什麼計畫 只是單純想到大賣場吹吹冷氣
突然 她的身影就這樣映入了我點眼簾
身高不算高 目測大概150左右 不過我也才170 所以就不好意思嫌人家太多
來來回回經過了好幾次 可是她還是留在原地
好像在尋找什麼一樣 一直在左右的東張西望 (PS:這時候我還不知道她是日本人)
我深呼吸了一下 鼓起了勇氣 去跟他攀談
但是不知道是我太急了還是語言上的障礙 她好像有點被我嚇到
一直發出「呼~~~~」的聲音 而且東張西望的速度更快了
還好這時候 店員發現了這邊的狀況 趕過來幫我打圓場
在店員的幫助之下 我對她才有一些基本的認識
真的要感謝那位店員的神救援 如果當時沒有他的話
中間那些交往的過程 還是我是怎麼把她請回我家的 因為涉及個人的隱私
只是現在下班之後 回到家 就能看到她在房間等我 那種感覺真的超幸福
有時候她明明就在身邊 我卻不知不覺地就睡著了
但是她也不生氣 我真的超愛她這點的
回想起以前 一個人的日子 真的很難熬 尤其是夏天
汗流浹背 又悶又熱 但是自從她來我家之後
為我的人生帶來了一股微風 吹散了我房間的悶熱 也吹散了我生命中的煩躁
很多朋友都說 為什麼不找台灣 要去找一個日本的
其實我也很難說明白 只能說 有時候遇到就是遇到了
不一定日本的就不好 台灣的就是好
我跟她也快兩年了 500多的日子一起度過 日本 台灣 對我來說已經無所謂了
謝謝你陪著我 走過這段時間 電費上漲 為了省錢 常常都沒開冷氣
妳一定很熱吧 就算這樣 妳還是沒有離開我 我真的很感動
謝謝妳 我的 SHARP PJ-B3CLL 電風扇
Keryn's Vlogs: 2022 in Videos
2 years ago
you are welcome.
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