My house mates transform into flower seller. So i got chances to take some nice fresh (you pi you chi) de flowers which import freshly from cameron highland.
Fresh flowers from Cameron.
A bouquet of flower. This cost about RM40+.
Red roses.
They can in pink too.
See leng leng kei flower can make ur mood better.
Even flower will fade,
In the end of the day.
But they ever blossom at their most prettiest moment, and share their most charming moment with u. So appreciate it, even it last for 3 days.
We got lily too. 3 big lily.
This one not sunflower. This is Africa punya Chrysanthemum.
Eh... i confused. Or the colorful one is africa punya Chrysanthemum?
Nvm, they are categorized into flowers.

Each of the bouquet is over RM100+.
You also can buy bear or small doll as decoration on the flower.
Like this bear,
Cute bear bear like this. Graduated bear bear.
But when u bought this bear, u indirectly encourage the inhumanity crime. Jangan jangan u see the bear's face so happy, but actually it suffer with tremendously pain. Damn suffer and it cried whole night because of the inhumanity action.
The next pictures contain explicit violence scene, please make sure u don't have any heart problem, and scroll down only if u can suffer the disgusting scene. I dun want to take any responsible if anything happen on my blog readers.
If u are agreed with T&C above, then scroll and proceed.
SEE! PAIN OR NOT??? Cucuk chim chim(deep deep) some more. So cruel.
One isn't enough.
3 cute bear kenak sula. Kesian.
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