Too much memo for works. Let's get back to normal writing.
So, what happen in 2013?
A lot of thing happen. Good or bad. Proud or shame. Too lazy to share.
Let's look back what I wrote for my lifetime resolution. Something like a bucket list, a list that I need to accomplish before I die.
1. Master my piano keyboard.
2. Buy a drum set and master it.
3. Buy a bicycle.
4. Own an imported car.
5. Buy a new house with a great sound insulation KTV room.
6. I want to sell a decent flavour of nasi lemak for my retirement life.
Deadline: Before I die.
The only thing I already done is the fifth one, own a house but didn't manage to modify one of them into KTV room. Dafuq i need KTV room for? So i think no.5 can take out of the list.
Since it's end of 2013, I'm gonna add more items into my list.
1. Master my piano keyboard. [Gotta start the lesson when back to Kuching]
2. Buy a drum set and master it. [After piano, maybe]
3. Buy a bicycle. [Yea! Will get one!]
4. Own an imported car. [Target: End of 2014]
5. I want to sell a decent flavour of nasi lemak for my retirement life. [Uh.... I need to learn how to cook an awesome nasi lemak first]
6. Try Bungee Jump [I mean gotta try right? I'm super afraid of height. I tried twice space shot in Genting and I alsmot die, but I'm still alive. If bungee jump success, may be try sky diving]
7. Get a diving certificate [underwater one XD]
8. Participate GO BALD event.
9. Get a TATTOO!!!
10. Travel a new place every year.
Deadline: Before I die.
That's all for today guys. I wish to thanks all my loyal readers which I believe total number is around 7 people only, however, I'm glad to have you to read all my boring and slow updated blog.
In 2014, more throwback posts about my achievements from 2012 will be updated. Stay tune!
Let's end this post with an awesome video.
2013: What Brought Us Together
Happy New Year!!!
P/S: Wonder why I didn't write "Say Hello to 2013" though. Why I miss it?