My supervisor suggest few idea for our psm.
1st: press keyboard and we can send MOSCODE( code for military purpose during wars ) to another place and convert it back to MOSCODE and play in speaker.
2nd: Draw batik using electromagnetic field.
3rd: Create a robot arm which can imitate tiger wood's video and swing the club exactly like tiger wood for teaching purpose.
This is totally crazy. 2nd and 3rd one are totally crazy. If i do dat, i think i will tension and become uncle look for one year. So...
Kawanz, Can do me a favor? Need ur help to contribute some ideas which u think this invention should created in
YOUR LIFE either in household, security system (password protection), safety (decrease car accident) and sort, to give u better life. Your idea may be can lead to another idea of mine for my PSM (project sarjana muda) aka FYP (final year project).

Kaki ayam ride a bicycle also wouldn't make ur kaki uncomfortable.

Eh... concentrate on hearing during class?

For chopstick beginner, wouldn't drop wat u pick anymore, wouldn't slow down ur eating speed.

Not sure this working or not with my tissue quality.

Try it.

Candle light.

Nails decoration using stamp.


Wouldn't make ur hand sticky anymore.

Will make one for my mommy.

Plant housing.

This one i got no idea. For wash teeth?
Of course my psm wouldn't do stg like this, if not i zialat kenak fail by panels. Another few ideas is create a chip and insert it in ur hand, the chip can act as toll payment, take money from atm, door access. Sms and control ur house electronic device like on ur light, on ur air cond while u on the way home. Help a paralysis patient to type letters by using only a mouse.

So now u got ideas now? Spam my shoutmix or comments. Any any even crazy one would be~ Thankx~~