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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Night view of Kuittho

Even my college uni now upgrade to uni oredi, but i still dun admit it as uni level because of some ISO standard as i mentioned long time ago. Pif. I prefer old name --KUITTHO more.

These pictures i took last sem while i was walking to toilet. We were having night class from 8.30-11pm.

Left side of toilet.

Right side of toilet. For what kuittho save BULB and electric?

The light was coming from the edge of the corridor.

Another path. Lifeless.

Outside view of the building. Fucking dark.

If any crime happen here, sure the victims shout for nothing here. And there's many bangla at the other side of construction area, i wonder what would happen they change to wolf at the full moon. But luckily ntg happen till now la XD

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Learn how to type special ASCI code

ALT + ...

☆ 41400 
¯ 41410  
﹟ 41420  
> 41430  
﹤ 41440
㏒ 41450  
↑ 41460  
/ 41470  
★ 41401  
 ̄ 41411
= 41431  
﹥ 41441  
㏑ 41451  
↓ 41461
◇ 41402  
_ 41412  
≦ 41432  
← 41462  
◆ 41403  
ˍ 41413  
+ 41423
≧ 41433  
~ 41443  
∮ 41453  
→ 41463  
□ 41404
﹉ 41414  
- 41424  
≠ 41434  
∩ 41444  
∵ 41454
↖ 41464  
■ 4140  
﹊ 41415  
× 41425 

∞ 41435
∪ 41445  
∴ 41455 
↗ 41465  
▽ 41406  
﹍ 41416
÷ 41426  
≒ 41436  
⊥ 41446  
♀ 41456  
↙ 41466
▼ 41407  
﹎ 41417 
± 41427 
∠ 41447
♂ 41457  
↘ 41467  
㊣ 41408  
﹋ 41418  
√ 41428
∟ 41448  
⊕ 41458  
℅ 41409
﹌ 41419  
< 41429  
﹣ 41439  
⊿ 41449  
⊙ 41459  
∣ 41069


Wednesday, July 18, 2007


After he sing muar chinese, kawanku and negarakuku, many ppl oredi be one of his fans, include me. Wahahhaha. After view his youtube, i found out there's other sweet songs by him. Wanna share with u ppl too.

Muar chinese (Live version)

One Night Stand --> of coz sing about one night stand lo. Funny lyrics. And i found out he sings really good, better than his rap. Got a bit like power station aka power train.

可憐的小弟 Poor little brother --> Describe about how poor of his little brother XD
No ppl want "him", so that's why he bring him to toilet...

被抓之歌 --> This clip is about his true feeling when he knew he was sue by 副部长. And he's proud of it.

I kenot write more, later i oso kenak sue. >.< I left one year uni life >.<

To Janice: Huhuhuhu. I can post youtube here. GG.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

I love my country

Hottest update.

If u love 麻坡的華語 Muar Chinese and 我的朋友 My Friends Kawanku, i believe u love this too.

Sing by namewee

我爱我的国家 Negarakuku (2007大馬觀光年主題曲)

Happy 50th Merdeka!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

This isn't matches or tooth pick.

看都多余 See liao mata oso sakit

丢都费力 Want throw also hiam waste energy

This picture deliver the perfect meaning about 废(useless/junk/crap).

P/S: Damn it, these days my posts become 越来越废!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

No Fisherman! No drink bottle in car!!!


Fisherman Sweets
FOR THOSE WHO LIKE TO EAT FISHERMAN SWEETS BE CAREFUL: Sugar free products contain ASPARTAME .. So don't consume Sugar free product esp. 'fisherman sweets' ASPARTAME - THE SILENT KILLER (by Ron Harder)

To those who prefer to consume artificial flavouring:

There is an epidemic across
North America today of Multiple Sclerosis and Lupus. Most people do not understand why this epidemic is happening, and they do not know why these diseases are so rampant. I would like to share with you the main reason we are having this very serious problem. Many people today use artificial sweeteners in their tea or coffee.

They do this because the ads they see on TV tell the m that sugar is bad for their health. This is absolutely true. Sugar is toxic to us , but what most people use as a replacement for sugar is much more deadly. I am talking about ASPARTAME. It is the cause of the epidemic that was mentioned above. ASPARTAME is an extremely toxic chemical that is produced by a chemical company called Monsanto.

ASPARTAME is being marketed around the world as a sugar substitute and is found in all diet soft drinks, such as
Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi . It is also found in artificial sweeteners such as NutraSweet, Equal, and Spoonful; and it is used in many other products as a sugar replacement.

ASPARTAME is marketed as a diet product, but it is not a diet product at all. In fact, it will cause you to GAIN weight because it makes you crave carbohydrates. Causing you to gain weight is only a very small part of what ASPARTAME does. It is a toxic chemical that changes the brain's chemistry It can and does cause severe seizures.

This chemical changes the dopamine level in the brain, and it is particularly deadly for anyone suffering from Parkinson's disease.

ASPARTAME is extremely poisonous, and here is why one of the toxic ingredients of it is wood alcohol. When the temperature of

ASPARTAME exceeds 86 degrees F, the wood alcohol in it is converted to Formaldehyde, and then to formic acid, which in turn causes folic acidosis.

FORMALDEHYDE is grouped in the same class of poisons as Cyanide and Arsenic which are very deadly toxins. The only difference is, Formaldehyde kills quietly, and it takes a little longer. And, in the process of killing people, it causes all kinds of neurological problems. There are 92 documented symptoms of Aspartame Poisoning leading to coma and death.

The majority of these symptoms are neurological, because the ASPARTAME attacks and destroys the nervous system. One of these symptoms is Lupus, which has become almost as rampant as Multiple Sclerosis, especially with Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi drinkers.


My husband has a friend whose mother recently
got diagnosed with breast cancer.
The doctor told her women should not drink
bottled water that has been left in a car.
The doctor said that the heat and the plastic
of the bottle have certain
chemicals that can lead to breast cancer.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Inside class, i noticed someone owned a very cute pencil box.

See? Cute angle ride a star with rainbow, colourful.

Inside the box. Pinky accessories.

Guess whose pencil box is it?

This cute guy... and he got cute name too --> RABBIT.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Just do it this way!

Wakakakkaa... next time i will modify my TV like this.


Do not pump full tank of petrol

Many of us are not aware that the petrol kiosk pump has a return pipe-line (in black ). When the petrol tank (in the car) reaches full level, there is a mechanism to trigger off the pump latch and at the same time a return-valve is opened (at the top of the pump station) to allow excess petrol to flow back into the sump. But the return petrol has already pass through the meter, meaning you are donating the petrol back to SHELL/ PETRONAS/ CALTEX/MOBIL..........