P/S: Another story translation from JoJo. (with bad english)
I received a call from a woman:" Faster come! I hate him! I want to divorce with him!"
After arrived at their house. Here's their conversation.
KuKu bird aka her husband:" She's very annoying, I'm so tired after working until now, she said she want to go out and have a walk, I said another day la, she cried and become so noisy, it's annoying!"
Woman:" You baru annoying! I stay at home and tidy up this home for whole day, I cook for you, I born child for you, I become a tool to release your s3xual desire, how? What so hard if I'm just asking you to bring me out for a walk?"
KuKu bird:" Hey! Born children is not only your business, k? I also will tired when m@king love, then you don't enjoy meh?"
Woman:" Cis! If I know you wont care about me after we got children, I don't even want to born them. Why woman want to born children when we suffer a lot, and we must take care everything of our children, yet we can't go out to enjoy and work."
KuKu bird:" Hey, born child is not a thing which can only done by u ok? If don't have contribution by me, what you born?"
Woman:" Cis, what contribution does a man give? The one who enjoy the most is you, the one who release s3xual desire is you, what had you contribute?"
KuKu Bird:" Cis! If you don't have my sp3rm, you born ass ka?"
The climax of this quarrel is here. (Where my translation may be different with the story because of limitation of my english)
Woman:" Haha! You contribute ur sp3rm, FINE! You finish enjoy, you shoot and you complete your contribution. OK! Look at woman's contribution:
I want to endure with the feeling of throw up; I need to be very careful for everything I eat; I don't even dare to eat medicine when I'm sick; I need to look after everything for the baby inside my stomach; I got difficulty when move around when I'm pregnant;
I can't go out for picnic; It's so inconvenient when I drive or taking a ride; I need to wear maternity wear; I'm worried when I m@ke love with you;
I always worry whether baby is healthy or not; I always need to have medical checking at hospital; I scare pregnant will make me fatter and fatter;
I scare of wrinkle on my stomach after pregnant; I need to bear with the great pain when give birth; and after give birth, I need to work hard to recover my body shape;
I scare the pain of giving birth; I may need to have Caesarean operation, I may have hypochondria before or after pregnancy; I need to take care of new born baby;
I may have drooping breasts because of breast feed; I need to take care everything of our children; I need to sleep late and wake up earlier for our children;
I have to wake up and nurse them on midnight; I need to do all housekeeping; I give up my career; When I ask for money, I still need to look at your mood and your face;
While husband go out and having fun, I need to stay at home and take care of our children; Even the excuse of husband's affair is my bad body shape make his eyes pain;
All of this is my contribution!
Your job is just put some sp3rm inside v@gina after you 0rgasm, then sleep.
Why? Why our children need to follow your surname? His blood his flesh and everything are given by me, you just give him little tiny thing, what qualification do you have to fight with me?
He don't have anything to say anymore.
P/S: Man, question ourself, think twice before we said we got LARGE contribution to have a baby. Boyfriend, love your girlfriend. Husband, love your wife. Friends, love your mom.
我自认我是个好男人! =x
Totally opposite from human, in Seahorse actually is the male tht give birth to their children, and according to wikipedia, they cost alot of energy for the male..
[whisper] we're not seahorse. rofl. then male seahorse is suffer more XD
[tingy0u] wow, if u r good man, then u r great, keep it on till u married :p
In case you don't know, male spiders need to sacrifice their lives just to reproduce. (The females eat them up after, you know). Well, in my opinion, both sides contribute to reproduction. Comparing who contributes more is not the way. Women and men need each other. Just fulfill our parts in life for two souls to be as one.
[Rev] In spider case, female spider become hungry after amput, thus she eat her spouse. lolx.
Great story! Thanks for sharing! ^^
[bear bear] thanks bear bear, ask ur boy boy to read too XD
Heh, I don't exactly know why the females ate the males but I think it's because the females need all the nutrients they can get while getting pregnant. That aside, even though I'm a guy, the guy in the article is just plain awful :O. P/S: Don't you just love spiders as pets, jojo :D?
Hmmm... Human's nutrient and spider's nutrient does not the same, isn't it? XD Human does not need to sacrifice ba :p
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