1.While other country like China or Taiwan or Spore are working on examining milk which tainted with melamine...
Malaysia still slowly examined our milk products. Until now, they only announced that they had examined 70++ product out of 800++ which still waited to examine. Their reason is their equipment is not enough. So we eat and drink first la, still no people die wa, scare wat?
While Singapore had collected 1000 products since 14 of September, not only milk products from China but also other country, they had tested 600+ products for only 2 weeks. 10 products were proven that contain excessive melamine.
By the mean time Spore had announced rabbit sweet was poisoned, Malaysia government take no action, people still selling it, children still eat it, after two weeks, our government finally announced our rabbit sweet was poisoned with melamine, warn all people make sure dun eat ar, shop please don't sell ar. Two weeks...
News Links : 新加坡农粮局已验600產品 , 大白兔糖销量低‧本地商家损失不大
2. While economy is continuously dropping like playing space shot, and other countries gathered up and proposed some plan to save their economy...
Our government still fxxk each other inside their own gang, decide who gonna take over their position, who gonna win and who gonna sit for the seat, nobody care about Malaysia's economy.
3. While petrol per barrel cost USD77.70 now... Don't Believe? Check your oil price here.
They still don't want to decrease our petrol price. Last time when oil price increase till USD126++, they start to yell and fxxk us off by increase our petrol price.
Without warning and they feel like wanna increase then increase the price on the next day. Well... what about now? Oil price had decrease 40% now, will our petrol price decrease again to RM1.95?
Dream la... Our ministry said they will consider to decrease petrol price to maximum of 12 cent only. They not yet have their meeting and not yet discuss how much they wanna decrease. The fastest announcement may be make by end of this month. May be 1 cent but maximum is 12 cent la.
What about my kolok mee? my laksa? my fav junk food which had increased their prices? Will they drop again?
4. Ah Bian, taiwan's ex PM most probably will be sue by their own goverment... Jailed up to 30 years.
Because cheat too much money from his own country while he was PM. Even his dog food was claimed using government's money and the amount can't be announced.
How nice is their government now? Go inspect the corruption and catch their own ex PM. News and citizen dare dare go condemn their own ex PM gao gao.
When will our country as clean as Taiwan? I want a totally no corruption country.
Dream la...
News Link: 5大罪状难逃‧扁若罪成恐监30年
P/S: Sibei Dulan when write this. Malaysia sibei boleh. Boleh in wat i oso dunno.
Their mentality is only to do something when something big happens..otherwise its no need to take the trouble.. BUT, if its their own closely related people affected, they will surely concern like sht. They also don't use the same things they preach on their own family. Just like telling people to support national cars, they themself support Mercedez Benz.
Malaysia Mundur Kerana Mereka!
You two rocks! Vote for next election! Rock!
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