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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year :)

It's another Chinese new year again!

In this Chinese new year, make sure you take lots of pics and share with me. Especially MM pics.

In case you don't know how to have a pretty/handsome camwhore...

I'm gonna teach you how to!!!!

Follow all these simple steps!

1. Place your camera or handphone 30cm from your forehead .

2. Bend down your head a bit. This will make sure your face look slimmer and cuter. Guarantee!

3. Smile as if you kenak RM 20,000,000 in Mega ToTo.

As easy as ABC. Of course I have a perfect model for your reference.

Remember! Smile :D like THIS!


Yesh! Perfect Camwhore! Janice u 100% lost d.

JoJo wish u a Very Sibei Happy Chinese Niu "牛" year!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


His friend was knocked down by a car. He rushed to the middle of traffic, pulled his friend out from middle of the road.

He is a only a Dog.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Cactus's private part

Oh gosh, i never know cactus have a p3nis too.

I was shocked when i look at this. I was O.O!!!

Oh man!!!

Photo taken from sheepy.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Well... this post is mainly posted to test ur "HAMSAP-NESS".

OK now look at this logo carefully....


OGC's logo.

OGC stands for Office of Government Commerce. The Office of Government Commerce (OGC) is an independent office of Her Majesty's Treasury, a department of state in the government of the United Kingdom.

Look at it carefully again...


UK government paid this logo for £14,000 or RM10,000++.

If you hamsap enough, surely you will see something behind this.

If you not, then you are not hamsap enough.

Ok, let's get into the point. In case you're still blur blur...

Slowly... turn your head anti clockwise 90 degree like this.


Then look at the logo again.


Muahahahhaha! Now you get it? It's RM10,000 logo!!

P/S: The one who created this logo must be inspired by *ahem*-ing in front of mirror. Muahahahaa!

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Mr. KuKu bird's new friend

Remember Mr. Kuku Bird?


K now u remember :)

Few days ago, Mr. Kuku Bird had a new friend.

Mr. Pig.

One day, while their master not in his room...


Mr. Kuku Bird:" Hey! Mr. Pig! It's been a while since my master played with my kuku.... I feel lonely. Luckily got you."


"So.... since you're my friend, you are welcome to play my kuku too." Mr. Kuku Bird continued.

Mr. Pig:".....!"


Mr. Pig:"!!!!"




P/S: Mr. Pig is my princess's birthday present.

It's a brand new year!

Welcome 2009!

Today i'm gonna blog about ToTo's calendar.

Toto is a very healthy sports in Malaysia. Every working adult like Happy love ToTo. With RM1, you can create your fortune dream!


Toto shows you what you can get with your RM1.

Overflow abundance (always buy new shirts)

Endless prosperity (always got new car)

Always bountiful (Rice always full ah!)

Dwelling warmth (Always buy new furniture)

Toto printed this calendar with lots of colorful pics not for display one. They're your dream. They can give you what you want! How?

3 Simple steps to big winnings with just RM1!


They even explained the 3 simple steps in a full page with 3 languages.


In their last page, they also tell you how much you can win.


This is not enough. Calendar is too big. They distributed mini calendar too.


With the same function. So support toto with RM1 now!



Intro you ppl one happy chinese new year song. No MV available but will turn happy after listen it.

It's different with others super classic cny songs in the market. *Dong dong dong qiang dong dong dong qiang*

Thus, i made a few ringtones from this song and share with u ppl XD

Download link: xin nian kuai le[momojojo]
Password: momojojo