GBA stands for Gang Bang Associate.
Pose V ^_^
I heard that this ship is 3 years younger than Titanic. It means it's very very very old d. So if you haven't go there, try visit there before the ship really shut down.
We took some pics inside the deck too.
Pose V ^_^
Ok I'm not show off my girlfriend. I'm just wanna show the contrast of the picture between me and her.
Ok let's look on JenJen's picture.
And compare to...
KNS! Who the tut is this??? So dark one? I only manage to see his white teeth nia. Got people there meh? @#%@#$@#$!
Ok i don't believe that's me. It was defect! Lapsap camera!
So i tried to take another pic.
KNN WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? DARLIE got give you commission ka???