Date at Room 205
This is terriyaki chicken look pretty but taste suck...
Celebrating 1st year anniversary of lundu fun fair trip.
Survivor Ah Zha and Siaw Fui banzai for staying alive!
Survivor Wilson and he's still alive. One year ago, Jui watched sunset+sunrise+moon+shooting star at his room. I know he worry of us, really.
At my sistar house
Many young MM karaoke here. Sing the songs i never heard... i'm outdated.
Young MM teach BB do yoga.
P/S: I love chat with my sis.
9th Mile Supper
Pretty moon+stars after supper with jui and ah zha.
Damai Trip
Little princess pose I.
Little princess pose II.
I look like young and innocent beside Warren.
With my sister Carmen. Really, my sister lai de, doesn't we look same?
Big Waves...
No worry to my friends, we are going on 20th dec ^_^
Here's the booking ticket.
I will fly back to johor on last day of 2006. I'm gonna appreciate my time. Date me pls!!!
To be continue...