The story is the guy who beside me. Sohai-soo.
He's a bit over weight for me. Yea, Abit only.
He's ever suffering insomnia because eat a plate of kueh tiao goreng at supper. He's walking around hope to make himself feel better. U know la. That kind of full xplosion stomach feel.
Since puasa here, we used to delay our supper to 1am-3am which we call this time sahur time or supper time. And it's only available while puasa period.
Thsi is mine. Yummy.
This is soo's plate. Got ayam, got telur, got kuah... just for supper/breakfast.
He still join us in sahur. And after he ate it, he say very full, die lo like that. I advised him not to eat so many. And he answered me: no la, i oredi control myself not to eat so many.
WTF!?!?! U tell me u oredi control urself?! And u still eat more than me?
hi koko, heheh~~~ :P Wow....the foods look delicious....Yummy Yummy!! i feel hungry liao.....
im mei mei here...forgot to tel u...heheh:P
huh. mei mei. ^_^ post ur comment on the shoutmix chatbox. IT's mo easier :P
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